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Hi, I am Shubhank

Shubhank Saxena

Graduate Student at Northeastern University

I am a passionate software engineer with 2 years of working experience. Mission-driven full stack developer and Deep Learning Practitioner with a passion for thoughtful Product Design, collaboration, and teaching. I’ve always sought out opportunities and challenges that are meaningful to me. Although my academic path has taken many twists and turns, I’ve never stopped engaging my passion to help others and solve problems. As a Web and AI developer, I enjoy using my obsessive attention to detail, my unequivocal love for making things, and my mission-driven work ethic to literally change the world. That’s why I’m excited to make dent in this universe!



First Rounds On Me

May 2024 - Ongoing

New York, NY

No more pen pals or small talk! Plan a date. Meet in person

Backend Engineering Intern

May 2024 - Ongoing

  • Solely led the complete backend rewrite of a Django-based system, driving significant improvements in performance, scalability, and overall platform efficiency.
  • Single-handedly built and deployed a Grafana and Prometheus monitoring system, improving machine and API performance tracking, leading to a 70% reduction in response time for critical issues.
  • Independently designed and optimized database models, reducing query response times by 50% and improving data performance without external assistance.
  • Executed the migration of 150k+ users’ data from the legacy system to the new platform without any downtime, ensuring data accuracy and a seamless user experience.


July 2023 - August 2023


Better Commerce Content

Software Engineer

July 2023 - August 2023

  • Worked on builidng data ingestion pipelines to get media performance data from various sources.
  • Created a LLM based conversational AI to help users with their queries.


Jan 2022 - June 2023


Discover, join and contribute Web3 communities.

Engineering Lead

Sep 2022 - June 2023

  • Worked on dockerizing multiple services and apps.
  • Optimized ETL pipelines and reduced cost of storage by migrating legacy data to AWS S3.
  • Managed a team of 5 developers to ship an end-to-end application comprising of backend, frontend and smart-contracts.
  • Shipped a feature which gained traction of 5000 users in one week.
Backend Engineer

Jan 2022 - Sep 2022

  • Create a real-time infra to fetch and process the Ethereum data.
  • Filter and index the on-chain data into Logs, Blocks and Transactions based on Postgresql for future reference and processing.
  • Creating an NFT transitions index on top of this and enriching the data with on-chain and off-chain metadata (image, floor prices, the price action of the collection, NFT ownership change etc.)
  • Created real-time feed of NFT transactions based on Elasticsearch.


GFOSS is a non-profit organization that promotes Openness through the use and the development of Open Standards and Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece and Europe.

Open Source Contributor

May 2021 - July 2021

  • Worked on segregation of production and development environments, thus allowing for better local development.
  • Integrated CI checks on code quality and unit tests.
  • Added internationalization support for people of various geographies.
  • Created CLI based tool to interact with API endpoints of the MediaCMS instance.

Lime Health

Oct 2021 - Dec 2021


Embrace continuous patient experience improvement through automated data collection, real-time metrics and assisted analysis.

Backend Engineer

Oct 2021 - Dec 2021

  • Worked on the Health records and survey API, which is based on Ruby on Rails.


Apr 2021 - June 2021


Habbit is a hobby-based social media platform, where people can share their hobbies and connect with like-minded people.

Backend Intern

Apr 2021 - June 2021

  • Worked on B2C model of business and developed django-based backend infrastructure.
  • Developed data APIs for user and activities
  • Handled deployment to AWS infrastructure.



IIT Delhi is a public technical and research university located in Hauz Khas, Delhi, which is one of the 7 old IITs in India.

Research Intern

Jan 2021 - June 2021

  • Creating an AI-driven assisting inflatable jacket for helping the Autistic people with their anxiety attacks and help to lower down their anxiety by monitoring their physiological and bio-signals and applying external pressure to imitate a hug-like situation to calm them down.

Major League Hacking (MLH)

Oct 2020 - Dec 2020


Major League Hacking (MLH) is the official student hackathon league. Each year, they power over 200 weekend-long invention competitions that inspire innovation, cultivate communities and teach computer science skills to more than 65,000 students around the world.

Open Source Fellow

Oct 2020 - Dec 2020

  • Amongst 100 out of 20000 applicants chosen to be Open Source Fellow.
  • Created a package named WellIO.jl, which is being used for parsing and reading ASCII Log Oil well drilling data in Julia


Masters of Sciences in Information Systems
GPA: 3.6 out of 4
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Member of Northeastern University’s Blockchain Club NEU Blockchain.
B.Engineering in Electronics & Communication Engineering
CGPA: 7.68 out of 10
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Founded Developer Student Clubs TIET chapter along with an amazing team of fellow developers.
  • Fellow Core Member of GirlScript Patiala team.
  • Conducted HackTIET, a 24-hour hackathon with 200+ participants.
Seth Anandram Jaipuria School
Secondary School
Percentage: 92 out of 100
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Founder of Cyber Crew - SAJS’s first computer society
  • Deputy Head Boy for academic session 2016-17
  • Active participant in various debates and Model United Nations


Stress-ng REST Server
July 2021 - September 2021

This is a very basic Flask based REST server which takes in the stress-ng factors like compute, storage and network along with time and allows to run time-varying stress tests. stress-ng is an existing CLI tool. This project acts as a wrapper around it.

ASL Translator
Jan 2021 - March 2021

This project is a sign language alphabet recognizer using Python, OpenCV and TensorFlow for training the InceptionV3 model, a convolutional neural network model for classification.

Speech Recognition DNN
August 2020 - October 2020

Built a deep neural network that functions as part of end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) pipeline. I used LibreSpeech dataset to train and evaluate models. This algorithm first converts any raw audio to feature representation that are commonly used for ASR, and then another network maps these audio features to transcribed text.

Flower Classification
July 2020 - August 2020

This project is my introductory project to the world of Deep Learning. I trained an image classifier to recognize different species of flowers. I used Maria-Elena Nilsback and Andrew Zisserman’s dataset of 102 flower categories( for training. The flowers are chosen to be flower commonly occurring in the United Kingdom. Each class consists of between 40 and 258 images. I used ResNet as my pre-trained model for feature extraction and the following structure is of the classifier model layers on top of it

Fruit Ripeness classification
Research Intern at IIIT Allahabad May 2019 - July 2019

Using calibrated electronic sensors and Arduino board, I collected gaseous data and olfactory chemical substrates of various fruits. The fruit of every type was further in 3 categories of under-ripe, ripe and overripe. The overall outcome was a portable electronic nose like device which would predict the state of the fruit. The multiclass classification was used to achieve this task.

Hackathon Project April 2019 - May 2019

Created a Google Glasses like AR device to assist Autistic kids to understand emotions and help them with constant learning and recitation.

Cisco Meraki's DevNet App
Hackathon Project March 2019 - April 2019

Developed a Flutter based cross platform for analysing and presenting the data which was given by CiSCO’s Meraki Camera. Along with that, provided future prediction of queue analysis by implementing LSTM. Entire features and outcomes were also conveyed by Google Assistant and Alexa, along with automated messaging services in local language support for non-feature mobile phones. This ecosystem had provision for Admin warning in the form of automated SMS as well as generated mail.

Hackathon Project Dec 2018 - Jan 2019

An all in one device for visually impaired person. Scene description, OCR, navigation, path detection and Integrated Payments system. Targeted at low income sections.

Hackathon Project Aug 2018 - Sep 2018

A portable Braille for visually impaired people. Low cost effective mechanical-electronic device.

Publication Portal
Developer role at TIET Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

Developed MySQL Database managing publications of TIET. In addition to that made the website accessing the Database. The Server-End of the Website was based on PHP.


Machine Learning - Introduction Nanodegree
Udacity March 2020 - May 2020

Natural Language Processing Nanodegree
Udacity March 2020 - May 2020

Intermediate Python for Data Science
Datacamp June 2019 - July 2019